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Translators:  35244
Narrators:  4043
Authors:  5474
Books:  11911


Book file

Original or translated book

For translation, conversion or publication of your book you must send the relative file in doc, docx (Microsoft Word) format or odt (OpenOffice) format. If you need the paperback version, make sure that the page format is the same as the one specified during the publishing stage.


Book keywords

The keyword search, you provide during the creation of the book, can be a single word or phrase. For best results, we recommend using phrases of maximum 2-3 words in length. To determine the right keywords to enter, we'll want to put yourself in the shoes of the reader.What topics or genres are looking for your readers?
Avoid using keywords that do not describe exactly the central plot of your book or that are completely divorced from its content. The use of not accurate keywords may lead to unexpected or unclear results and provide a negative experience for customers.
We cannot admit misleading keywords or which aim to deceive customers.
Examples of prohibited keywords :

  • References to other authors
  • References to other authors' book
  • References to the sales ranking (eg. "best seller")
  • Promotional or advertising references (eg. "Free of charge")
  • References to items that are not related to the books contents
  • References to sexually explicit content or defamatory

Books bulk upload

Send all your books in a single step

To load multiple books in a unique step, download the following files and follow all the instructions indicated inside:


The function is available, after logging in, directly in the section "My books" - "Books bulk upload".


Translation grant

The author, in order to stimulate translators to make the translation of his book, may (optionally) establish a translation grant, namely an amount of money the translator will receive in any case, even if the translated book does not sell even one copy.
This contribution (*) will be paid by the author after the approval of the first 5% of the book, by simply purchasing, through a special section in our portal, a GOLDEN COPY of the translated book. This special copy costs as established as translation grant (*). In this way, the paid amount will be counted as a book sales income and it will be accounted in the revenue report.
Obviously, the author does not participate in the division of this amount.

After the completion of the book translation and the relative author and Tektime approval, the translation grant (**), after deducting our usual percentage, will be credited in the translator's account. It will be paid along with all other books sales following our usual payment procedure.

John is an author and he wants to translate his novel "John's adventures" into french. He establishes 1000 EUR as translation grant.

  • Paul (the translator) agrees to translate the book and begins normal relationship with the author, as stated in the translation agreement.
  • After the first translation approval (5% of the book), the author must access to the dedicate section of our portal and purchase a GOLDEN COPY the book, depositing the value of 1000 Euro (plus the management costs refund).
  • The author will receive an order confirmation email and the invoice.
  • The amount of 1000 Euros (*) will be credited to the translator but still will not be available for withdrawal. This amount, which will be deducted from the VAT, taxes, deductions, etc. like the proceeds of books sales, will be just recorded in the translator's account. It will become visible only after the completion of the translation job and its approval by the author and Tektime. This amount will be included in the normal books sales and it'll be paid in the same way.
  • After that, the translated book will be distributed and the revenues will be shared between John and Paul (see graphic) as established in the translation agreement.

If the book translation should not be successful, for reasons attributable to the translator, the translation grant (equal to the GOLDEN COPY cost), will still be refunded (***) to the author.

Books with a higher translation grant will appear first in translators searches.

Please note that any agreement between the parties that goes beyond what is indicated in our standard contract cannot be managed by us in any way nor we can be held responsible for it. Tektime strongly discourages this type of extra contractual agreements between authors and translators.

(*) The translation grant will also include an additional fixed fee for the management of the contribution itself (transaction costs, currency conversion, etc.).
(**) There may be a small amount of management fees, due to money transfer costs between Tektime and the translator.
(***) There may be a small amount of management fees, due to money transfer costs between Tektime and the author.


Narration grant

The author, in order to stimulate narrators to make the narration of his book, may (optionally) establish a narration grant, namely an amount of money the narrator will receive in any case, even if the narrated book (audiobook) does not sell even one copy.
This contribution (*) will be paid by the author, after the approval of the first 5% of the book, by simply purchasing, through a special section in our portal, a GOLDEN COPY of the narrated book (audiobook). This special copy costs as established as narration grant (*). In this way, the paid amount will be counted as a book sales income and it will be accounted in the revenues division.
Obviously, the author does not participate in the division of this amount.

After the completion of the book narration and the relative author and Tektime approval, the narration grant (**), after deducting our usual percentage, will be credited in the narrator's account. It will be paid along with all other audiobooks sales following our usual payment procedure.

Bill is an author and he wants to narrate his novel "Bills's adventures" into french. He establishes 1000 EUR as narration grant.

  • Jack (the narrator) agrees to narrate the book and begins normal relationship with the author, as stated in the narration agreement.
  • After the first narration approval (5% of the book), the author must access to the dedicate section of our portal and purchase a GOLDEN COPY the audiobook, depositing the value of 1000 Euro (plus the management costs refund).
  • The author will receive an order confirmation email and the invoice.
  • The amount of 1000 Euros (*) will be credited to the narrator but still will not be available for withdrawal. This amount, which will be deducted from the VAT, taxes, deductions, etc. like the proceeds of audiobooks sales, will be just recorded in the narrator's account. It will become visible only after the completion of the narration job and its approval by the author and Tektime. This amount will be included in the normal audiobooks sales and it'll be paid in the same way.
  • After that, the narrated book (audiobook) will be distributed and the revenues will be shared between Bill and Jack (see graphic) as established in the narration agreement.

If the book narration should not be successful, for reasons attributable to the narrator, the narration grant (equal to the GOLDEN COPY cost), will still be refunded (***) to the author.

Books with a higher narration grant will appear first in narrators searches.

Please note that any agreement between the parties that goes beyond what is indicated in our standard contract cannot be managed by us in any way nor we can be held responsible for it. Tektime strongly discourages this type of extra contractual agreements between authors and narrators.

(*) The narration grant will also include an additional fixed fee for the management of the contribution itself (transaction costs, currency conversion, etc.).
(**) There may be a small amount of management fees, due to money transfer costs between Tektime and the narrator.
(***) There may be a small amount of management fees, due to money transfer costs between Tektime and the author.


Translated books and audiobooks promotion

In order to maximize sales, we hope that both the author and the translator or the narrator will do their utmost, together with us, in promoting and disseminating the translated books and audiobooks. Here some simple suggestions:

  • Use social networks (Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, Twitter, Youtube, etc)
  • Identify carefully the genre of each book
  • Keep in touch with your readers
  • Create your own blog
  • Create a newsletter
  • Earmarks a small budget for advertising on socials and search engines

Selling prices

E-book price

During the publishing phase, the system will ask you to enter the e-book price. That amount will be the cover price (sale price) VAT included (if applicable).

Paperback price

When you create the publication, it is not possible to quantify the cost of producing the paperback version of your book (It depends on the book size, the number of pages, finishing, b/w or color pages, etc.). So you are asked to indicate just the price increase on the cost of production. In this way, the actual sale price will be set by us, in order to ensure the increase you indicated.

• Paperback production cost: 5,50 EUR
• Author increment: 2,50 Euro
  Sale price: 8,00 EUR

The sale price is VAT included (if applicable).

Audiobook price

During the publishing phase, the system will ask you to enter the audiobook price. That amount will be the cover price (sale price) VAT included (if applicable). It may be subject to variations depending on the different sales channels.

Tax data

To send you the revenue sharing related to the translated books sales, we need your Tax Data. If you are an individual (not a company or a sole proprietorship) you need to provide your social security number, otherwise you have to specify your VAT number

International Fiscal Code (CIF) or Tax Identification Number (TIN)

If you live abroad you must indicate your International Tax Code (CIF) or your Tax Identification Number (TIN).
If you need more information click here.

PayPal (*)

PayPal offers companies and individuals, who have an email address, the possibility to send and receive money easily, quickly and safely.
PayPal uses the existing financial infrastructure of bank accounts and credit cards to create a payment system on a global basis and in real time.
Your PayPal account can be used to receive the sales proceeds of your books.

Wise (*)

Wise is the new smart way to convert money into other currencies and sending it abroad or to make international transfers.
By using this service you will receive your payments (if you live abroad) with much lower costs because the fund transfer commissions are up to eight times lower than traditional banks.
You'll find more information on the site
If you sign up by following this link, you will be able to make your first transfer up to € 500, without any commission.

Payoneer (*)

Payoneer offers you a multi-currency account to pay and get paid globally and as seamlessly as possible at the local level. This all-in-one account provides you with everything you need to receive payments from your international clients and global marketplaces. You can find more information on the website

(*) Tektime can not be held responsible in any way for any failure procured by PayPal, Wise or Payoneer, since the services provided by Tektime on this site, are neither directly nor indirectly related to these suppliers.

Digital signature

The Digital Signature is the cyber equivalent of a traditional handwritten signature affixed on paper and it has the following characteristics:

  • Authentication: the digital signature guarantees the identity of the subscriber
  • Integrity: the digital signature ensures that the document has not been altered after signing
  • Non-repudiation: The digital signature gives full legal validity to the document, so the document can not be repudiated by the subscriber

You can find more information about digital signature by clicking here.

If you don't have a digital signature, you can simply get it from one of our partners like DocuSign, Acrobat Adobe Sign or by any other legally recognized provider.

Agreement signature without digital signature

Although we do not recommend the use of this system, we give the opportunity, to those who are not equipped with a digital signature kit, to adhere to our service.
In this case, the agreement signing process is slightly more complex but it is executable in a few easy steps:

  • Download the agreement file as indicated in the signing procedure
  • Print the agreement
  • Manually sign (ink signature) the agreement
  • Photocopy your valid identity document
  • Scan the signed agreement, attach your identity document and create a new PDF file
  • Upload the PDF file to our website by following the signature wizard

Publishing guidelines

To publish your translated books you have to follow our Publishing Guidelines. The publication of books with formatting that is inconsistent or does not comply with these guidelines may not be accepted by Tektime.