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Translators:  35244
Narrators:  4043
Authors:  5474
Books:  11911

How does it work?

It's really simple.



Are you a writer? Would you like to see your works published and narrated and create translated versions in other languages but for translation and narration jobs they asked you big bucks?

At last there's a solution and you won't have to pay anything in advance.

You can choose to work with us in the following ways:

- Costs will be covered by the end consumers.
- No upfront costs for authors.
- Translators and narrators will share the sales proceeds with the authors.

- We will acquire the translation and narration rights for the languages we manage.
- We will take care of the translations, narrations, and their publication. You won't have to do anything.
- You will receive a percentage of all sales of your translated and narrated works.

- Costs will be evaluated based on the genre, language, and length of the text.
- A detailed quote will be provided.
- Maximum transparency and professionalism.


Publish with us your original books

Now you can publish with us even your original books and audiobooks.
Our fees are only 10% off the cover price (VAT excluded).
In addition, your digital works will be sold also in our online bookstore from which you will get 80% of royalty on the book cover price (VAT excluded).

Unlike other distributors, with us you will not have to pay any subscription fees or have any other hidden costs for the distribution of your works.

Moreover, the rights to the original books are and will forever remain yours.

Concerning translations, who guarantees me that they will be "well done"?

We have six levels of verification:

  1. The translator's ranking and the related reviews issued by users who have used his services;
  2. The translator can ask the help of other translators to double check his work (proofreading);
  3. Professional evaluation of the translation proposals;
  4. Professional evaluation of the first 5% and of the complete translation;
  5. Our native speaker volunteer readers issue assessments and reviews on both the quality of the translation and the content of the translated books;
  6. Native-speaking narrators who, in addition to narrating the book, are also required to correct any detected typos;

Beyond that, we perform a series of checks on the translated text. You can do the same by yourself, taking advantage of the help of your friends and acquaintances (social networks like Facebook can help a lot). Don't forget that the translator will have his name put on your book and he will appear everywhere as the translator of that book. It is certainly not in his best interest to share a product which could damage his professional figure.

- Always ask our volunteer readers to read the translated text.
- Activate for all your books also their narration. The narrator won't ever read a translation unless it's perfect. Furthermore, he is also required to report, and eventually correct, any mistakes found in the text of the translated book.

From now on, no more doubts about the quality of your translated books!

And now, step by step, we'll show you how our system works:

First of all choose your plan
(FREE o GOLD - Yearly subscription)

Features FREE GOLD
Maximum number of original books publishable

Maximum number of original books that can be entered into the system to be published worldwide through our global distribution service.

Unlimited Unlimited
Maximum number of books translatable and narratable

Maximum number of original books that can be translated and narrated into all available languages.

2 Unlimited
Maximum number of translation requests per day

Maximum number of translators that can be invited daily for books translation.

2 20
Maximum number of narration requests per day

Maximum number of narrators that can be invited daily for books translation.

2 20
GOLD translators access

Ability to also access the services provided by translators who have subscribed to the GOLD plan.

GOLD narrators access

Ability to also access the services provided by narrators who have subscribed to the GOLD plan.

Adding social links to the profile

Ability to add links to your social media profiles (Website, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to your personal profile.

Reduced taxation for individuals (non-Italian users)

Possibility to avoid the application of the 30% taxation on royalties, upon submission of a request form and your Tax Residence Certificate to prevent double taxation, issued by the Tax Authority of the country of residence.

Priority Technical Support

Guaranteed priority for technical support requests, managed through a dedicated online chat and our personalized ticketing system.

Dedicated Author page

Possibility to have a personalized Author page on our Blog.

Free Coupons

Personalized Coupons that can be redeemed on our online bookstore, allowing readers to download a single book for free.

Access to free webinars

Free access to periodic webinars organized by us on specific topics of interest (book publishing, promotion, social media usage, etc.).

AI-Free Certification

Free issuance of Ai-Free Certification for one book.

Yearly subscription cost (EUR - VAT 22% included): 99,00

The subscription is valid for 365 days from the date of initial subscription or from the expiration date in the case of early renewal. If the renewal is done after the expiration date, the duration will always be 365 days from the renewal date.

0 69,00

For this month only, for every 10 authors you invite and who complete the registration, you will receive a complimentary ONE-MONTH GOLD SUBSCRIPTION.
More info...

1) Enter your data

To access all our services you must first sign up.
It's very important that you describe yourself as well as you can. Enter your own detailed biography, so you can attract the translators' and narrators' attention.

2) Upload your original books

From your personal area you can easily upload all your books. It is available a massive upload function, too.
You can also add an excerpt of each original book to entice the translator or the narrator to read it and get passionate about your work

3) Select languages

For each book you can select the languages into which you want to have it translated and narrated. We are the only company which has narrators in 78 languages and which can distribute audiobooks, narrated in those languages, all over the world.
Here, it will be very important to accurately describe your works (title, series, summary, full description, sales data, etc.).

Optionally, you can decide to give a translation grant and/or a narration grant. Namely a minimum fixed amount that the translator/narrator will receive anyway, even if the sales of the translated/narrated book will not reach high enough levels to adequately compensate his work.
Obviously, translation and narration jobs with a higher contribution will be more "attractive" for translators and narrators.

4) Search for translators/narrators

You can propose your works to up to 20 translators/narrators every day. The translator/narrator will receive a message with your suggestion and can decide whether or not to accept your request.

5) Evaluate translation/narration proposals

In response to your translation/narration request, or as a direct offer by a translator/narrator, you will receive a message with a translation/narration proposal.
You can evaluate both the translator/narrator (consulting his profile), and the way he works. In fact, in the proposal, there will be also a translation/narration example of a text you entered during the book loading phase.

6) Sign the translation/narration agreement

Once you have selected a translator/narrator, you must digitally sign the translation agreement or the narration agreement which will then be countersigned by the translator/narrator and by us.
Don't worry because, until you have not approved the first stage of the translation/narration (5% of the book), you can always rescind the contract without incurring in any penalty.

If you don't have a digital signature, you can simply get it from one of our partners like Aruba, Infocert or by any other legally recognized provider. or you can use an alternative method, as described in detail in >> this page <<.

7) Follow and verify the translation/narration

During this phase, there will be an exchange of information between you and the translator/narrator, in order to reach the goal. We will always do as guarantors, ensuring that the work will be properly carried out.
At this stage, you will have the obligation to:

  • Verify and approve the first part of the translation/narration (5% of the book)
  • Verify and approve the full translation/narration
After your approval of the first part of the translation/narration, you can not rescind the contract without incurring the penalty provided for (translator's/narrator's job protection).

8) Do you want to narrate your book by yourself?

No problem. To be honest, who can better interpret and transfer to the reader the essence of the plot, the characters and the scenes of your work?
We give you the ability to create your audiobook and publish it to the world best specialized libraries.

9) Publish the translated book and the audiobook

After the final approval of the translation/narration, you can finally publish the translated book and the audiobook.
The management of publishing, distribution, promotion and reporting of revenue generated from sales will be handled entirely by us, as described in the translation contract and in the narration contract. You will have access to the sales data and your earnings at any time directly in your personal area.

10) Book and Audiobook Promotion

We will take care of promoting the translated books and audiobooks.
Naturally, we welcome any assistance offered by the author, translator and/or narrator in promotion. It is crucial to advertise the new book using even free tools such as social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.), blogs, websites and so on, to ensure its success and achieve the related economic benefit.

11) Start earning

It's done!
Your translated books and your audiobooks are for sale in all the best online libraries in the world. You just have to periodically check the sales performance of your books and automatically receive the revenue directly in your account.

Revenue sharing

Now you definitely must be wondering how the translator's/narrator's work will be rewarded. Obviously, no one works for free. The translator/narrator will share with you a percentage of the sales revenue, following this structure:


From To Author Translator Tektime
€ 0,00  € 999,99  15% 75% 10%
€ 1.000 € 1.999,99 30% 60% 10%
€ 2.000 € 3.999,99 60% 30% 10%
€ 4.000 € 7.999,99 70% 20% 10%
€ 8.000 € ... 80% 10% 10%

For clarity, we insert a graphical view of the same report:

It is possible to download an Excel spreadsheet where you can simulate sales and revenues.


From To Author Narrator Tektime
€ 0,00  € 999,99  15% 75% 10%
€ 1.000 € 1.999,99 30% 60% 10%
€ 2.000 € 3.999,99 60% 30% 10%
€ 4.000 € 7.999,99 70% 20% 10%
€ 8.000 € ... 80% 10% 10%

For clarity, we insert a graphical view of the same report:

It is possible to download an Excel spreadsheet where you can simulate sales and revenues.

Do you think the author's profit is a bit 'too low'?

We realize that, at first glance, it might seem that the translator/narrator is the only one making money. However, you must keep in mind that it is the translator/narrator who will do the bulk of the work. For that reason, it seems fair that the initial proceeds from sales will be theirs.
We are sure that you already tried to ask for a translation/narrator quotation and you noticed how expensive it was.

With us, you have no upfront cost. The sales of your books will offset the costs. Brilliant, isn't it?

Why do contracts last so long? Can the author quit earlier?

Tektime reserves the exclusivity of the distribution of translated books and audiobooks for a period of five and seven years, respectively. In this way the translator and the narrator can regain translation and narration costs, as well as to obtain an income for their work.

Do you think this period is too long?

Even though we strongly believe in all the books we publish, we can't guarantee immediate high sales for everyone. For this reason we have established minimum periods for the distribution. However, the author can, at any time, withdraw from the contract before the expiration date.

Obviously, he will be required to compensate the expenses that the translator and we faced, by paying a small fee, as indicated in the contracts.

Your books are in good hands

The books rights are yours and will remain yours forever.

No one will ever arbitrarily get hold of your original books.

You are the only one, who will send them to translators and/or narrators but only after the signature, of all parties, of a legally valid and binding contract.

We perfectly know that a book, for an author, is like a child. We will take care of it as if it were ours.

How can I increase the sales of my books?

This is a question we get asked very often and the answer is definitely very simple:

Have your books translated and narrated.

Consider that, from a single book, you can generate 78 books in different languages and as many audiobooks.

That means potentially multiplying your income by 156 without having to do anything or incurring in any costs.

Why choose us?

Beware of math!
There are other services that propose a sharing with the translator/narrator even up to 50% (especially for audiobooks). The problem is that this percentage is applied only on the 25% of the selling price (maximum 40%).
Our commission is just 10% on the book retail price (net of taxes and bookstores commissions), the rest is yours. Besides, when sales increase, you can get up to 80%.
We distribute ebooks and audiobooks in 170 different countries and through more than 100 distribution channels. We are one of the largest commercial networks available today for the authors.

So what are you waiting for? Become a part of our community.

• How it works for translators...
• How it works for narrators...
• How it works for publishers...
• How it works for affiliates...
• How it works for partners...